Once you chat up the people at the Food Court, do you have a convenient  
place to send them to follow up? That is the achilles heel of the publicity  
effort. Once they show an interest you say, "there will be classes starting up  
nine months from now, call the whatever adult school in September and ask them  
what church it will be meeting in." Or alternatively, we used to have a lace  
teacher, but she got a job, let's call her up and see if she wants to do it  
again..." Or even, "we have a lace day once a year, in November. You could take 
a beginner class for 6 hours then."  
It would be different if, like jewelry, there was a bead store on every  
corner and they were stimulating sales by having classes all the time.
I like the blog idea though.
My 20 year old daughter was lured by a $500 prize to enter a contest, open  
only to students,  held by the Textile Study Group of New  York,  which is a 
very artistic and accomplished group. (Been meaning  to infiltrate them, but 
haven't gotten around to it.) She didn't win the  contest, but received a free 
membership and attended a meeting, even though she  is going to school in a 
different state. She was very honored to receive the  free membership. I 
it showed a lot of smarts on the part of the Textile  Study Group. 
_http://www.tsgny.org/_ (http://www.tsgny.org/) 

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