T and all,

I did send them email to find out how many one would have to order, and how
much they cost per each; also what the shipping cost would be to the US.

I'll post if/when I get a response from them. I'm up for ordering the
minimum number and then making them available at my cost to anyone who wants
one. Depending, of course, on what that minimum order would be. Ten, yeah
sure. Fifty, maybe. 1,000--Nope!

Barbara Joyce
Snoqualmie, WA

> On Jan 26, 2006, at 12:12, Ilske Thomsen wrote:
>> At our Kunsthalle I found a magnet with "The lace-maker"" from Caspar
>> Netscher on it.
>>  " Manufactored by Customworks".
>> It is a big serie with famous pintings on them. If you are interested
>> in live in or nearby a city with an art museum it's worth to have a
>> look.
> As many people know, American refrigerators are _huge_ (at least in
> comparison with the European ones I've seen). And we use them as
> "bulletin boards", "pinning" all kinds of notes/memoranda on them. With
> magnets :) So I've been interested in pretty/interesting/unusual
> magnets ever since I arrived here in January of '73.
> Since '89, and the beginning of my "lace adventure", I've been trying
> to collect lace-related magnets and found that there aren't all that
> many of them available (possibly because most lace is made in Europe,
> and European fridges aren't as big as ours, and can't accomodate as
> many magnets. While here, we have big fridges, but there are many more
> subjects competing for the space). At any rate, I've often been reduced
> to making my own magnets -- mostly from stickers with lace on them (the
> few I made with real lace in them had been given away). I've built a
> nice-enough collection (with some super examples, the nicest being a
> ceramic tile, ca 2" square, with a gold image of a lacemaker and
> "Almagro" on a navy-blue background), but the lace-related magnets are
> still in the minority on my fridge.
> So, naturally, I was _intensely_ interested in Ilske's posting... :)
> Found Customworks (based in Scotland) via Google, and found the
> relevant magnet in their "northern masters" collection:
> http://www.customworks.co.uk/tmenu/products_list.asp
> Also found that they do not sell retail; only wholesale. Couldn't find
> out the details of either numbers or pricing; my 'puter skills will
> stretch but _so_ far <g>; if I had, I might have been willing to go for
> it (and then raffle off the excess), if the "wholesale" wasn't too big
> and the price reasonable.
> I also noticed
> http://www.customworks.co.uk/tmenu/home.asp
> that, in addition to the stock they carry (the Netscher among them),
> they'll make magnets to order, from whatever image one wants.
> I think that might be a venue worth exploring (for people who are more
> puter-savvy than I am <g>)... An Arachne magnet (for sale with a year's
> commems)? A magnet with a lace group logo to put into a goodie bag for
> a Lace Day or Conference/Convention? I expect magnets, even bought
> wholesale, would be cheaper than pins (badges), and there are so many
> possible images ot put on them...
> Yours, reluctant to stick her stamp collection onto magnets,

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