Thanks Tamara (and Clay) for the direct link to the archive pictures, aren't they fantastic to look at. The one that amazed me most was number 99, did you see all those bobbins on that pillow 'gulp' it must have been a very intricate piece of lace......... I don't think I've ever used more than perhaps 50 or 60 pairs.... maybe a project for the future,once I've bought more bobbins :-)
Thanks again
Celia Mulhearn in cloudy and overcast S E London UK

Tamara P Duvall wrote:
Clay has, kindly, sent me a direct URL to the list of lacemakers' images (us compu-idiots need every bit of help we can get <g>), so I have, finally, been able to start looking at them. My favourite (so far, anyway) is #10... A dog, a book, a cup of tea -- what more could a lacemaker ask for? And the lady making lace is as saintly as I am myself (giggle)...
takes you to the whole list (103) of thumbnails. #10 is at:

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