Hello Jacqui and all,
in my opnion there is no must except this must you give yourself. So if you feel so you can let do the mounting by another person. And people which do mounting every day are perhaps better in doing so than oneself. till now I did all the work including mounting myself and I didn't want that somebody did anything for me - but perhaps one day... I try not to say never ever you know.

Is it better for the lacemaker themself to mount the lace, even if it's by machine, than to hand it over to a third party. 
I think that's the decision of each of us alone. Ther isn't a role.

And in a competition on the continent, would this possibility be taken into account, or do the rules state the lace must be finished by the
I can't answer this question but it is an interestin one and I will ask other people here. In the competition of the DKV there are seldom doilies or handkerchiefs so I guess the question doesn't appear yet. But if the competition is about such things than in my opinion both had to be done by the same person because the whole thing will be judged. If it is only about the lace than other rules will be. I'll tell you if I found out something.


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