My cat doesn't touch the pins, but puts his paws over the tops of the bobbins at the side of the pillow and looks for all the world as if he is working lace. One of these days we will catch it on video if we can. I do have a number of photos of his attempts to either make lace or prevent me from working, not sure which:-)
Sue T, Dorset UK, sunny but bitterly cold today

My little kitten does the same thing. I found the pins scattered on the work table & the floor. She also loves scooting the bobbins around on the hardwood floor when she manages to get one. What a fun sound she thinks. Curious cats

<<Then he decides to pull the pins out for me -- with his mouth
(which is very
dangerous, tho he doesn't know it.)>>

Hi Lorelei,
My cat
does the same thing, especially if I forget and leave a pillow uncovered and
unattended. I will come back to find pins removed and dropped nearby. I
didn't think any other cat would be so "bold"! What DOES possess them??? (-:
Mine doesn't have much interest in the bobbins....only the pins! Weird....
Vicki in Maryland where we are having unseasonably warm temps...where's our

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