The caption to the photo of the bookmarks included which pattern pack each of 
the bookmarks shown was from. (The patterns from the Retournac museum are 
only available in sets - there are about 20 sets now, some of which may be 
out-of-print at the moment - not as individual patterns).

The sets are beautiful (I have quite a few of them) but not particularly 
cheap, especially for those buying in £ or $ at the moment. Probably not quite 
worth buying a set just to make the bookmark from it, but worth looking at. 

BTW Susan, the patterns have no or very little diagrams/instructions so might 
not be suitable for a near beginner.



in a cold Cheshire NW England

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: [lace] retournac photos
Date: Wednesday 21 January 2009
From: Clay Blackwell <>

Hi again, Susan -

I've just peeked at the Retournac website, and unfortunately, I don't 
see any bookmark patterns available.  Sorry...

Clay wrote:
> To Clay!  Thanks so much for posting the Retournac photos!!!  As a newbie, 
I'm sick to death of bookmark samples.  But these--well--they are so--shall I 
say-- tres chic!  Truly works of art.  Sort of the Emeril Lagasse-ified 
version--BAM!  In your honor, I started a little Mirecourt piece today.  It 
took forever to wind the bobbins with 1.5 hands--but--I've got it started.  So 
maybe the endless hours of hand & finger therapy exercise will win out.  
Thanks again for the inspiration.  I'm looking forward to the 
prickings/diagrams.  Is there a link?  Susan, clicking a few bobbins in Grassy 
> -
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