On Mar 29, 2009, at 10:44, Whitham, Irene wrote:

I have been making Susan Wenzel's Christmas Ornamanets and using Kreinik Blending Filament for a passive on the edge. The thread was a lot of trouble
as it split and broke and did not manage well.

Is the Madeira Metallic better? Are there other threads out there that work

Susan (Wenzel) also carries what used to be called Moravia 60/2 but is now called (Texlen) Titolo. It's 34 wraps per cm (to Kreinik's Blending Filament 33) so a teeny bit finer than the BF. But it's great to work with (all the Texlen metallic threads are). The downside is that it comes in only two colours -- gold and silver.

For reliable coloured metallics I'd go either to Kreinik's cord, Sulky's metallic 142 or Madeira Metallic 40 (the Astro colours plus copper, silver and a couple of gold shades. It also used to be avaiable as "Jewels" -- emerald green, sapphire blue, amethyst purple and ruby red). But all of these are a tad finer than the Titolo. And, I no longer know what's still available in Madeira threads, not having bought any in several years.

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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