I have a question about thread amounts per bobbin, when the directions don¹t
give that information.  A spinner/weaver friend of mine(she spins wool and
other fibers) had cut groupings of this very silky smooth varigated thread
called sinstel(? Or something like that.  It is a rayon type thread) that
she had from a weaving project and had made a jacket out of the finished
hand woven material.  GORGEOUS and felt so silky!
Anyhow.........She couldn¹t just throw away all those bundles of 18 inch
lengths of thread.  The colorways are so beautiful and it is about a size
10/2.  Although to me it looks to be a size 12 pearl cotton just by the look
of it.  But all threads manufacturers have a different sizing method, so she
I told her that these threads are perfect to bobbin lace a bookmark.  Good
use of left over thread.  So she gave me one of her bundles that has 36
strands of the 18 inch lengths.  I chose a simple pattern out of Rosemary
Shepherd¹s ³Introduction to Bobbin Lacemaking² on page 89, shaped insertion.
But I am converting it to a bookmark and ending it at a point.
To get to my question,  how would I know that these 18 inch lengths will be
enough thread to finish a fairly good length of this pattern.  I copied and
made it so there is 6 spider repeats. I may have to fudge and reduce the
repeats if I think it won¹t be enough.   Just by the look of the length it
may work, but how can I be sure.  Is there a formula to judge if I need to
reduce/enlarge a pattern and when I am limited to these thread samples if it
is feasible?  How much thread to wind on the each bobbin?
I plan on winding each 18 inch length on each bobbin and then knotting the
pairs together.  I will try to hide the knots at the top for the start.
Hope that won¹t look too messy.

Your technical advice is much appreciated.

Mark, aka Tatman
website: http://www.tat-man.net
blog: http://tat-man.net/blog
Magic Thread Shop: http://www.tat-man.net/tatterville/tatshop/tatshop.html
email: tat...@tat-man.net

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