I have about 500 Binche bobbins that I bought from Holly, and they are 
smaller than the "usual" Binche bobbins...  but not by much.  Still, I 
love working with these bobbins when I'm doing a large Binche project.  
I'm not sure my fingers could cope with anything smaller than the 3 3/8" 
"fine" Binche though!  I have one of the tiny ones...  it measures 3 
1/8", and I think a pillow full would be hard for me to get used to!!   
I have recently started a Flanders project which requires E.C. 70/2, and 
I felt that my fine Binche bobbins were not quite up to size for this 
thread, so am using the "usual" Binche instead.  I'm also having to 
borrow and "make do" with lots of bobbins, since this project calls for 
312 bobbins!!  It does seem crazy to have to buy, borrow, and "make do" 
on a project when I have so many of the others, but I just don't think 
they would mix well together.  It's probably just my OCD showing again!  ; )

I believe that someone out there is making (probably mass-produced) a 
tiny bobbin.  Atelier MB offers a "mini" bobbin (5 cm long).  These are 
probably intended for decorative use, but some brave soul with tiny 
fingers - and some of Bart & Francis' 240/2 cotton -  might be able to 
work with them!!!

Sadly, I don't think Holly carries the fine Binche bobbins any more.  
I'm glad I stocked up while I could!!


On 10/20/2010 10:46 AM, dmt11h...@aol.com wrote:
> I have some very tiny Valenciennes bobbins, only two and a quarter 
> inches long. It makes sense that when you have very fine thread and 
> hundreds of pairs that you might have smaller bobbins. As Clay knows, 
> bobbin management is a big part of doing elaborate Binche. If you had 
> bobbins half the size, it might make this easier. Interestingly, no 
> bobbin makers, that I know of, have stepped forward to make tiny 
> Valenciennes bobbins in massive quantities for the growing Binche and 
> Early Flanders hobbiests.
> Devon

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