Yes, there has been some confusion here. I sent a photo of the lace stocking fronts I have to Alex, but she couldn't open what I sent her. I have sent it to her again, but haven't heard whether she was successful this second time. But to explain:

I have a pair of lace stocking fronts from the collection I have made at my daughter's place in France. They are boat shaped, as Jeri says, and are quite fine. The white silk stockings to which they were attached are gone, but they were obviously cut away because there are remnants of the silk knitting still evident. People who can identify lace better than I will be able to determine exactly what period they were made and where, but I suspect that they were simply from a pair of very fancy silk stockings made between perhaps 1880 and WWI.

My problem is that I don't know how to post pictures so that they can be seen by those of us who are on Arachne. If someone can help me with this, I will be happy to send my photo to whoever it might be so that everyone can see them. They are really quite nice.

Tess (

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