
A dear friend has asked me for help renovating her mother's hand-embroidered
light-weight dressing gown that she has inherited. She can remember her mother
washing it and we do not know how to treat the stains, probably food. Any
suggestions will be appreciated.

When I'm in doubt I always go for tepid water and pure soap first (Lux flakes or Velvet).
Next step would be Soda Bicarb or salt on the stains.
Another reliable old remedy which is usually safe is to make a paste with lemon juice and Silver Star starch (you know that old lumpy kind), rub it into the stain gently and then allow to dry in the sun. Lemon juice needs sunshine to activate it. Perhaps that's a bit much to ask of the UK at this time of year though.
Let's know how you go.
David in Ballarat, AUS

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