
Remember the days when we used to have heaps of tatted Round Robins on the go? Nothing ever went wrong with the postage all round the world. Occasionally one person would hold up the procedure, but that's all.

I had envisaged the various elements being sent to one person or group to be assembled.
David in Ballarat, AUS

I'm concerned about the logistics of a panel, passing from person to person around the world, never getting lost in the mail and never getting stuck at the home of someone who meant well but now just can't seem to find the time and eventually is too embarrassed to admit she still has it (remember the recent post about bookmark/ornament exchanges that ended up 1-sided?). One way this might be avoided is if we settle on a size and everyone can make squares (or rectangles, hexagons or whatever shape is decided) and one person or close-knit group is in charge of receiving all the pieces and attaching them like quilt blocks. The final size and shape is determined by how many blocks they receive, and there's no worry about how much of the panel each person does (did we run out of volunteers before the panel was complete, or did we run out of panel space to work on when there are still people wanting to participate?).

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