Lin, I don't want you to have to spend more money on bobbins :-) but you do know you can get travel bobbins, which are shorter than the traditional ones and better suited to travel pillows, don't you?

I use a travel roller pillow (made by a Finnish company who were at OIDFA in 2003) mostly, (most of the lace I have time to do at the moment is done on train journeys!) but also have a 12" cookie travel pillow and can work projects with up to about 28 pairs of travel bobbins on that, whereas it would be difficult to work with more than about a dozen ordinary pairs.

In message <>, Lin Hudren <> writes
 Happy travels.  i have a
small 7" cookie pillow that fits into a backpack and after securing and
covering and making it comfortable, it goes everywhere.  you have bobbins
hanging more than laying,
Jane Partridge

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