That's a good thought, Bev.  As someone in software engineering, however, I
can say I don't see anything on the horizon.  The internal medium might change
(i.e. non-volatile memory, otherwise known as "flash" memory, might be
replaced by something else), but the format and USB connection is likely to be
around for years more because of how widely used they are.  Now a question
would be if there's a new USB version coming out (USB2 is pretty old now) or a
more efficient file format, but if so they would almost certainly be backwards
compatible, at least for a decade or so.
>From: Bev Walker <>
>To: Nancy Neff <> 
>Cc: Arachne <>;
Dmt11home <> 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 2:04 PM
>Subject: Re: Fw: [lace] Twentieth anniversary flash drive
>Just a thought
about the fast pace of technology these days - it is possible that flash
drives will be replaced by something else within two years?
>On Wed, Mar
20, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Nancy Neff <> wrote:
>Okay, I'll
stick my neck out and post my response to the list.  I'd spear-head
>>it but I
don't know how I could handle mailing out so many etc.  The logistics
>Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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