A flash drive is a portable storage device used with computers, which has a
USB interface; you plug it into a USB socket. They're sometimes called
thumb drives, because they are about the size of a thumb. They come in a
wide variety of storage capacities, up to 256Gb. You can store a lot of
photos, articles, patterns, etc., in that! They can be very useful, since
every modern computer has USB sockets. Not so useful if you've switched to
iPods and the like, but if you're working with real desktop computers or
laptops, they provide a very convenient method of transferring information
from one machine to another. Computer technicians swear by them, as you can
carry lots of diagnostic programs around, and you can boot computers using
them, so you can install an OS on them and bring up a cranky computer
that's refusing to start and work on it.

And apparently, as one gentle posted, some scanners will now output
directly to flash drives, which in a museum/university setting would be oh
so very useful for students/researchers; I know we would have loved that
capability at the Oregon Historical Society when I worked there.

Hope this helped, I may have geeked out too much.


John Mead
Tacoma, WA USA


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