Dear Heather,
We have an Arachne member in Ontario, Malvary, whom I hope you will hear  
from.  She will most likely be familiar with the lace makers fairly near to  
you and be a very good friend in the process.
Twelve lace groups in Ontario are listed and inserted  in each quarterly 
issue of "Canadian Lacemaker Gazette".  Lace  suppliers in Canada advertise in 
Sitting next to other bobbin lace makers is often the best way for  someone 
to get comfortable with making lace.  There are so many  "understood" and 
"automatic" things that you will be able to learn  from those who have been 
making lace for a long time.  My suggestion  is to get together with others, 
and they will share their pillows with you for a  few rows.  That way, you 
will learn what is really the most comfortable  bobbins for you.  
It used to be that lace makers used the traditional bobbins for each  type 
of lace.  Now, lace makers are more independent.  At least, until  they take 
a special class with a well-known teacher who insists on a certain  type of 
bobbin.  One thing almost everyone would agree with is that all the  
bobbins on each individual pillow should be the same type to make the  
of your fingers more comfortable.  
Happy you did not buy the horror kit that has discouraged so many  
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

In a message dated 7/15/2014, writes:

Finally,  after long thinking 'oh, perhaps someday I'll give bobbin
lace a whirl', I  kicked the excuses to the curb and sat down at the
beginner's kit acquired  easily more than a decade ago. (The snowgoose
one, not the horror kit.  

I've now toddled through some torchon, and have wandered over  to
beginning bedfordshire lace, which I'm rather fond of. That  being
said, my mix of bobbins is small and well.. mixed.

If you were  advising a beginner Beds lacer, what sort of bobbins
should I order first?  I am rather fond of the sleek look of the
squared off continental. 
Heather in unseasonably cool SW Ontario,  Canada

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