
I am slowly increasing my lace library, but it is becoming increasingly 
difficult. Specially now that our Canadian dollar is dropping like crazy 
again both against the USD and the Euro and GBP.  I do wish they'd stop 
speculating with currencies....books have now increased in price about 
30%, but my pension sure hasn't increased that much (and never mind the 
increase in the cost of food, since most of our food now seems to be 
In the meantime, I want to make a list of books I would eventually like 
to get, hopefully before they go out of print and the price goes sky 
high because they are then considered 'rare'.
So, since I am mostly interested in learning point ground and 
Flanders/Binche/Mechlin etc type laces, I am looking for book 
recommendations. I have a fair amount of Bucks Point books, and have got 
a couple of books on Flanders, but would like some recommendations on 
learning Binche, Mechlin, Point de Paris and Valenciennes, and I guess 
there are a few other point ground laces. I have Syllabus 1 and 3 of 
Binche (2 was out of print before I could buy it), but they are not 
really beginner books. It looks now like about the only ones available 
for Binche are the ones by either Vera Cockuyt or Annick Staes, are 
either of them any good? Or am I better off waiting till a new one comes 
out, or one of the others is reprinted? Also, is there only one book 
available for Mechlin?
I do wish that some of the European organizations would start realizing 
that it is not that easy for North Americans to transfer funds to 
someone's bank account overseas. From what I can see, I can only do it 
via Hyperwallet, and their exchange rate and fees are quite high 
compared to using Paypal. And if you add the rate our dollar is down to 
now, it becomes unaffordable.
Anyway, any recommendations are appreciated, even if they are now out of 
print, since I may be lucky and find it used for a reasonable price.


Marianne Gallant

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