Please don't leave. I used to be on Arachne but it got not nice. I left. After 
many years I have come back. It isn't as much fun but if interesting people 
leave it will not get better and maybe fold. We need less drawn out fussing, 
more David emails and a bit of humor. Arachne is very dry now. And no one had 
to enter your survey. Please stay. Your survey is interesting even to,us in 
England. Vivienne 

> On 1 Aug 2016, at 01:55, H M Clarke <> wrote:
> Wow, and people wonder why the list is so quiet these days. Sadly the 
> animosity remains. I have been on this list for a very long time and have 
> seen many ups and downs. Each down causes long term impact to the list 
> members. 
> I'm bringing the, totally voluntary, survey to an early end. I will send any 
> analysis privately to those people who kindly - either privately or to the 
> list - replied. I will not be troubling the list any further. 
> Now, what nefarious deeds can I possibly use the information I have gleaned 
> for? Hmm, I'm curious about that now ...
> Helen
>> On Jul 31, 2016, at 16:49, Anna Binnie <> wrote:
>> Dear Everyone
>> Thank you Avital for bringing the issue of the survey onto the list. I 
>> personally am annoyed with all the individual responses.
>> I did not respond to the survey because I was not told why it was being 
>> carried out, 'curiosity' is not sufficient. The survey is not annonymous 
>> since you are responding with your email addresses. What happens to the 
>> results was not clearly articulated either. Before you all claim but it is 
>> amongst us and it could be fun. Think about the dark side.
>> Who are we???? We all claim to be lacemakers or have an interest in 
>> lacemaking, but could there be someone who wants to hack into our accounts 
>> or find out about us for their own purposes.
>> Loyalty cards collect all sorts of information for their customers and while 
>> we may get a 'bonus' something, they get a profile of our shopping and some 
>> times sell this information onto other parties.
>> Please be aware of your own privacy and your own security and be careful 
>> about what information you give out about yourself and to whom.
>> Anna from a cloudy but warm Sydney
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