Dear Arachnids,

I hope you all are doing well!

I watched a very interesting online talk this weekend with Mathew Gnagy, a
historic costumer who makes some of his own needle and bobbin lace. You can
find his work on his website:
I've heard him discuss several times how he tries to observe makers who are
skilled in manufacturing things by hand to try to glean the most efficient
ways in working quickly.

Obviously, decades of experience working at a task day in and day out is
the best ways to get faster at it, but it made me wonder if there aren't
some shortcuts in lacemaking to help speed up the process.

For example, I studied bobbin lace at the Hotel de la Dentelle in Brioude,
and they have a trick for making tallies that allows their staff and
graduates to work impressively fast. It's hard to explain, but essentially
you never pick up and carry your bobbins palms down. Instead you rotate
your hands 180 degrees in a seamless flow and fling the bobbins back and
forth. Sorry if that isn't very clear, they must have videos of it

Anyway, just for fun, I was curious if anyone else had experiences or
advice to speed up lace through shortcuts or other tricks to share with one
another. I certainly find I am much faster working palms up, but most of my
projects are better suited for cookie pillows so I rarely work that way.


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