Hi All,

I flick my bobbins when doing tallies/leaves, and find it doesn't take long
to make one. After I learned that way (thanks, Josée!), I had other
teachers demonstrate other methods but none were any where near as fast. I
also work cloth stitch the way Nancy mentioned - it's much quicker.

Cindy, in Ontario, Canada

> For example, I studied bobbin lace at the Hotel de la Dentelle in Brioude,
> and they have a trick for making tallies that allows their staff and
> graduates to work impressively fast. It's hard to explain, but essentially
> you never pick up and carry your bobbins palms down. Instead you rotate
> your hands 180 degrees in a seamless flow and fling the bobbins back and
> forth. Sorry if that isn't very clear, they must have videos of it
> somewhere.

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