On 2014-03-25 09:35, Daniel Naber wrote:

> I've written an overview of how we could use readable POS tags in LT:
> http://wiki.languagetool.org/readable-part-of-speech-tags

I'm writing a prototypical implementation on this for English now. But 
there's one point where I'm stuck. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. 
Everything is fine for grammar.xml: we have new tags but keep the old 
ones, both work. But what about disambiguation.xml? What does it now 
mean to have something like this:

<disambig postag="VBD"/>

Internally, we now have information like this: postag=VBD, pos=verb, 
tense=past (etc.). But the disambiguation only works on the old tag? I 
guess I will need to resolve VBD here so the action works on both the 
old and the new representation? What if there's an action like this? 
Will I need to expand the 'JJ.?' against all known tags and then apply 
the change to the resolved (new) representation?

<disambig action="filter" postag="JJ.?"></disambig>


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