W dniu 29.01.2016 o 14:12, Marcin Miłkowski pisze:
> W dniu 29.01.2016 o 12:27, Jaume Ortolà i Font pisze:
>> Hi,
>> I have released a new version of the plug-in [1].
>> All messages are now in English by default. The translations into other
>> languages have to be put in files like this [2]. I think almost all
>> needed strings can be extracted from the current translations in the
>> LanguageTool project. Only two or three extra strings will be needed.
> Hm, I think you also need a way to edit the suggestion if the original
> suggestion from LT is not helpful. There's no way to edit the document
> manually, and no way to enter a manual suggestion. MS Word has that
> option in its original spelling / grammar dialog.

Oh, I missed that the upper part of the dialog is editable. Fine, then 
this works.


> Best,
> Marcin
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