On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Bob Gustafson wrote:

> >On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Bob Gustafson wrote:
> >
> >> What I would like to do is cleanly move packets out to the Internet over
> >> two (maybe 3) separate interfaces, utilizing all of the bandwidth, and
> >> avoiding snags.
> >
> >[snip, lots of nice interesting wishes]
> >
> >> Does such a beast exist? Is it possible to build with current
> >> ip/tc/netfilter technology?  I am running a near stock RH 7.2 at the
> >> moment. Each ISP line is going through a separate (proprietary/black-box)
> >> firewall/router and then into the RH7.2 box.
> >
> >QoS and routing are basically independent of each other. Orthogonal,
> >mathematicians would say. Furthermore, there *is* in fact a patch floating
> >around somewhere on the internet that flushes the route cache after every
> >packet... that might help. I've never used it, as I don't trust it to keep
> >TCP connections intact, but still, it might prove useful.
> >
> >You'll have to do some digging on your own though...
> I was afraid of that. But this list was the first place to dig, yes?

Yes, nowadays it is. :) At least you know there's something out there.
Oh, as I recall the patch is by some weird guy in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Can't seem to find it using Google at the moment though.

The stuff on http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~jcl/programs/ipeql/ipeql.html
does seem like something you might want to look at (even though it is

> >
> >Doei, Arthur. (Oh, and it is Arthur van Leeuwen. The surname is
> >               'van Leeuwen'. Kinda like in 'Ludwig van Beethoven')
> Ahh, learn something every day. The van *isn't* just like a middle
> name then.

Nope. It would've been capitalized if it were. :)

> (I was pretty careful about the spelling of Leeuwen though :-)

Don't computers make life *easy*? :P

> Thanks much for the feedback

My pleasure.

Doei, Arthur.

  /\    / |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | Work like you don't need the money
 /__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never been hurt
/    \/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody watching

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