This is no good cause for example bittorent can download on port 80 :D. So the best way is create classes with ceil parameter for example 128kbit to ensure relability for every user and limit number of connections to 50-80 per user. This the best (i can get a word grr....- you know) if you dont want to block p2p.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 2:42 PM
Subject: [LARTC] htb

i am newbie to band control..  i have a linux box (as a router, NATing,) sharing internet
wan = adsl 600
lan  = about 20 users
my problem is that due the contract i cannot block users from my lan from downloading anything, so they can use kazaa (argghh), edonkey(argghhhhh), emule(arghhhhhh), soulseek(arghjhhhh) etc etc etc,    
I want to know if using htb i can make that users that uses browsers (port 80) have priority then users that uses port (110 and 25) , then rest of the ports.....    as if i could have such thing:
600kbit --------   50% for port 80
                       30% for port 25 and 110
                       20% for the rest
this way no user can complain that cannot access his internet banking, checking his emails  and other thing that are essentials...
if it is possible (with htb) or any other method, please tell me a direction for me to go..
really thanks

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