Greetings Dariusz,

 : ive got problems with my network (120 people) 
 : ive got big pings (300ms)m whereas there are normally about 19ms. 
 : i do not know if my qos is proper (fast i mean).
 : - my qos
 : - my firewall

After examining 'fir2', which shows an HTB class structure listed below, I 
think you don't quite understand the guarantees and the borrowing model of 

      your Internet bound traffic (1:2) -- - - - -->   rate     ceil
1:N |             1:7 |    1:6 |    1:5 |   1:4 |
    | [ lots of       |        |        |       +--> 128kbit   256kbit
    |   classes       |        |        +-- - - - -> 128kbit   256kbit
    |    here ]       |        +- - - - - - - - - -> 128kbit   256kbit
    |                 +-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -> 128kbit   256kbit
    |                                                  ...       ...
    +-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> 128kbit   256kbit

In your case, N=163 (although I didn't check that every class was 
created with the same rate/bandwidth).  The problem you are having is that 
the borrowing (and hence, shaping) model never gets a chance to go into 

Every leaf class (1:4 through 1:166) is guaranteed 128kbit.  Your QoS 
setup is actually not helping you at all!  It's configured to guarantee 
around 19mbit (128kbit * 163 guarantees).

Given your available Internet bandwidth, it should work out a bit better 
for you if you slim down the total number of classes and lump a few 
handfuls of users in each class with an embedded SFQ.  You may find that 
Stef's rules for HTB shaping are quite handy [0], and also my HTB 
description [1].

Good luck,



Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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