Come potete vedere c'e' anche un prof. Italiano. Sarebbe bello metterci in contatto con Fabio Pammolli
per vedere che ci puo dire per Sector..............
tra una settimana saro a roma tutto per voi. quindi potremmo mandargli una mail.potrebbe essere utile per sapere se ha dei contatti anche con roma 3.
ma Radio Laser su che frequenze passa, quelle di siamo persi??????
baci F
WHO Press Release /12
                                                   12 February 2004


The Director-General of WHO, Dr LEE Jong-wook, today announced the
members of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights,
Innovation and Public Health (CIPIH).  The Commission has been
established as a result of a resolution at the 2003 World Health
Assembly (WHA56.27).1

The resolution called for WHO to establish a time-limited body to
"produce an analysis of intellectual property rights, innovation,
and public health, including the question of appropriate funding
and incentive mechanisms for the creation of new medicines and
other products against diseases that disproportionately affect
developing countries." The terms of reference and criteria for
selection of Members are contained in a document submitted to
WHO’s Executive Board in January 2004.2

The Chairperson of the Commission will be Ms Ruth Dreifuss.  She
was a member of the Swiss Government between 1993-2002 and served
as President of the Swiss Confederation in 1999. As Federal
Minister of Interior her responsibilities included, amongst
others, public health and scientific research.

The vice-Chair will be Dr Ragunath Anand Mashelkar, who is the
Director-General of India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research, one of the largest chains of industrial research and
development institutions in the world.

The other eight members of the Commission are (in alphabetical

·    Professor Carlos Correa, a lawyer and economist from
   Argentina, is Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies
   on Industrial Property and Economics Law, at the University of
   Buenos Aires.

·    Professor Mahmoud Fathalla is a Professor of Obstetrics and
   Gynaecology,  former Dean of the Medical School at Assiut
   University, Egypt, and Chair of the WHO Advisory Committee on
   Health Research.

·    Dr Maria Freire is Chief Executive Officer of the Global
Alliance for TB Drug Development, and previously directed the
   Office of Technology Transfer at the US National Institutes of
   Health from 1995 to 2001.

·    Professor Trevor Jones is Director-General of the Association
   of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, and was  previously
   Director of Research and Development at the Wellcome Foundation

·    Mr. Tshediso Matona, an economist and trade policy expert, is
   Deputy Director-General in South Africa’s Department of Trade and

·    Professor Fabio Pammolli is Professor of Economics and
   Management at the University of Florence. He is the Director of
   European Pharmaceutical Regulation and Innovation Systems at the
   University of Siena.

·    Professor Pakdee Pothisiri, with a background in public
   health research, is Senior Deputy Permanent Secretary of Health,
   Government of Thailand, and formerly Secretary General of the Thai
   Food and Drug Administration.

·    Professor Hiroko Yamane is Professor of International
   Economic Law, Economic Law and European Community Law at the
   Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, specialising in
   trade law, competition and intellectual property rights.

The Commissioners are appointed in their individual capacity
rather than as the representative of an institution or government
body, and will have complete independence in carrying out their
work.  The Commission will be supported by reference groups for
the purposes of consulting key stakeholders, including the
research and development-based industry  and civil society groups.
It intends to hold its first meeting in Geneva in late March.
Throughout its work, it will be supported by a Secretariat within
WHO which will help it to organise the programme of consultations,
studies and other activities necessary for drafting the report.
It will submit its report to WHO’s Executive Board in January

For more information contact: Christine McNab, Communications
Officer, Director-General's Office, WHO Geneva; +41 22 791 4688;
mobile: +41 22 254 6815; [EMAIL PROTECTED].

All WHO Press releases, fact sheets and other information can be
found at

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