> But seriously,  what is going on with the linking and HOW did labview start 
> pointing to half of an app in a temp folder?

I stinks when this happens, and I'm afraid I can't tell you why it 
definitely found VIs in your temp path.  First, let me review the way LV 
loads VIs, then I'll make a few guesses and some suggestions.

You are loading a VI A from somewhere on disk w:\g\h\j and it references 
B and C.

The first place LV looks is ...

... in memory.  LV can only load a VI with a given name once, and in 
trying to load a VI named A, it cannot do it if a VI named A is already 
in memory, even if the A in memory comes from path X:\.  For a long 
time, this was a silent failure, but as of 6i or so, LV started putting 
up an informative dialog telling you that the thing you think you 
loaded, isn't really what you loaded since something else was already in 
memory.  Sometimes this is what you wanted, othertimes it is the 
beginning of the nightmare.  So if you get those dialogs, READ them.  If 
it sounds scary, like a cross-linkage, kick everything out of memory and 
load it again.

If there isn't already an A.vi in memory, the next place LV looks is ...

... where you told it to, w:\g\h\j for a file named A.vi.  If the file 
is a VI, it loads it into memory and looks for subVIs to load.  In this 
case it needs to load B.vi and C.vi.  A will have a relative path to B 
and C.  It will take the path to A and build paths to B and C and go 
through this process again, starting with ... in memory.

LV never searches for user directed Opens or VI server top level VIs, 
but with subVIs, it will do one more thing before giving up.

If B and C aren't in memory, and if the path built using the relative 
path doesn't yield a subVI, then it will resort to searching.  By 
default, the search path is pretty benign.  It says to look beneath the 
top level VI.  Then it says to look anyplace that it has already found a 
VI -- sort of a shortcut cache -- but this also includes places that you 
showed LV.  This means you don't have to keep showing it that you moved 
everything to y:\.  The next place is vi.lib.  Why vi.lib, because that 
is our stuff anyway, and when groups within NI change their mind and 
rename folders, we wanted an easy way to not have every customer call us 
looking for the VIs.  Next is user.lib, and instr.lib, assuming that if 
is good enough for our library, it is good enough for those that the 
user and company get to define.

If you change your search directory, you need to be aware, that you are 
telling LV that it is OK to load subVIs from there whenever it doesn't 
find them in the expected place.

So guess number one is that you saved some VI in the temp directory, as 
a temporary, forgot to kick it out of memory, then loaded the rest of 
your app, which referenced the name of the thing in temp.  When you save 
your app, it will need to save since it needs new paths to its subVIs, 
it will now look there, in temp for them.  By the way, a nast place for 
things to hang around in memory is the clipboard.  Unfortunately, if the 
last thing you did was copy the subVI call to the thing in temp, kicking 
the callers out of memory isn't enough, the subVI call is still on the 
clipboard waiting to be pasted somewhere, but this feature means that it 
is in memory.

Guess number two is that your search path includes something like c:\* 
or c:\temp.  These mean that LV will ask you to find things for it less 
often, but you may not like where it finds them.

Finally, I've seen a number of utilities that will print out the 
location of all subVIs in a report.  If you don't have such a tool, the 
hierarchy window, possibly with complete help window will do, but a two 
column listbox report is ideal.  You can run this occasionally to verify 
that things are coming from expected drives and directories.

I think this is a very important topic, and if you have further 
questions or gripes, it is a good time to cover them.  Might even have 
something to do with what I'm working on.

Greg McKaskle

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