
Here are a few more suggestions/tips to try/look into.

According to <a
href=3D>Apple</a>, XCode is the
newer version of Project Builder, so you should be ok there, but it
does require some configuration when switching from CodeWarrior (see
bottom of the XCode article).

Even though Apple supposedly provides an API for unloading the
executable of a framework, the API doesn't do anything (and they
freely admit this).  Until they make their API do what it says we can
not unload the executable of a framework at will.

XCode looks in /Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer
Tools/Project Templates/ for the templates for its projects. So the
LabVIEW Templates folder from the LabVIEW/cintools/Project Builder
Files directory needs to be put there, not into the Project Templates
folder in the /Developer/ProjectBuilder Extras directory.

Even though the pull-down menu doesn=92t provide the function names, you
should still be able to type them in manually and have them work.
What happens when you try this?

Have a nice day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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