Hi there,
I am currently writing a shared library to do some specific image
processing.  This is very application based library and is currently only
designed for one application.  The problem i have is that i am very new to
the world of Mac OS X.  I have my code to compile in Win32 a DLL that
exports the functions that i need access to.  The problem is that all the
documentation and help i have found, has so far not lead me to compiling
even the simpliest shared library in Mac OS X.  I can compile and run the
samples that come with CodeWarrior IDE version 5.0, and run the test
applications it produces as well.  These work all fine, but I still can not
get access to any of the export functions from labview.  Guided help or
advice on what type of project to use, etc would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Carl Pattie

pattiec2 at lincoln dot ac dot nz

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