> Since I am complaning I must say that most of the inventions in LV7
> does not work for me. Fancy icons for controls, strange looking bad
> wires, completelly useless menu, etc. The only reason why I stick to
> LV7 is the dynamic events. Otherwise I will uninstall it ASAP. I guess
> that NI forgot about programmers which do LV for a living not for fun.

Not completely forgotten, but there were a number of experiments to try 
and make LV more friendly to new users.  If you find that you don't need 
the training wheel features -- as I like to call them -- you can turn 
most of them, or hopefully all of them off in the Tools Options dialog. 
  If you poke around a little, you will find them, or you can ask, like 
you did for the probe.

And if it isn't in there, many things, like the probe are actually 
written as VIs and can be disabled via other means.

Greg McKaskle

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