> I quess we should not mention it to Kyle :)))).

Hello all,
:-) It appears that I should have said that there is no
<i>supported</i> way to change the default behavior.  As you all have
discovered, there is no setting for disabling the smart probe in the
'training wheels' options.  I am a bit surprised the behavior when the
file is missing is to revert quietly to the old one, but I'm glad that
you found a workaround for your problem.

Thanks for the additional info on why you are not satisfied with the
default probe.  The 'smart' error probe does not work after the data
has passed because the probe is actually a VI.  The VI receives the
error as an input when the error reaches the probe in the dataflow.
The older probe is a simpler intrinsic structure that does not follow
the behavior of a VI.

This issue has been documented, and change of the 'smart probe'
behavior will be considered for future development.  Thanks again for
the information and the workaround.

Have a good day,
Kyle Bryson
National Instruments

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