Having used LabVIEW, VB and C/C++, I can say that the first tool I
reach for is _always_ LabVIEW.  Nothing else comes close in terms of
ease of use, maintainability, and user-friendliness.  That said, I
don't consider LabVIEW a silver-bullet.  If you need your application
to to complex 3D rendering, fast database access, or similar highly
specialized tasks, you may need to look elsewhere.

Your requirements are fairly strait-foward and all are common things
for a LabVIEW program to do.  Were I in your position (and I was, once
:-) I would get a copy of the demo version of LabVIEW and play with it
for a few days.  It isn't disabled (much) so you can see the bulk of
LabVIEW's capabilities.

If you like it, and I'm sure you will, I would reccommend taking a
LabVIEW Basics class.  They are well worth the time and cost and will
have do doing full development work in a matter of days.  Hope this
helps and please post here if you need anything further.

- Jim Cavera

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