I am interested in having the capability (of not using VISA) for the same
reasons as you.  Please let me know if you are able to find a substitute for
the VISA serial functions.

<Yes.  My company manufactures a variety of instruments that communicate
solely with serial.  We have been using NI-VISA and are happy with it,
but NI-VISA requires an installation that is often larger than the
application we supply to our customers, and there are licensing
restrictions for distribution. I was hoping to develop our own serial
functions in a much smaller package than NI-VISA.  This is why I am
interested in using the Windows API.  NI-VISA with its support for so
many kinds of instruments seems like overkill for our application.  When
the customer installs the NI-VISA driver they end up installing features
to support GPIB etc. that are not needed for our application.

Allen >

Lewis Drake
Process Automation Corporation
Belle Mead, NJ
908 359-1011

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