Just curious if anyone has any tips on convincing the corporate types that
using software developed by the opensource community is a GOOD thing.  I
would love to be allowed to use all the OpenG tools and think that many in
my group would also benefit from them.  Also would like to use some of the
labXML code developed on sourceforge.

Problem is that I work for a big defense contractor that is not too keen
about the idea of opensource.  Have some paranoid individuals somewhere in
the chain that think code developed on sourceforge is not reliable and
shouldn't be trusted.  Also have heard that in order for anyone in the
company to use software downloaded from the internet the company has to have
an agreement with the providing entity (company usually).

Any help in this matter would be GREATLY appreciated!!!


p.s.  Interesting that they don't believe the opensource software is good
and yet they all love Synergy which is straight from sourceforge

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