
You wrote:

 From my days as a C programmer (shudder) I have to say I do miss the

It seems to me that there was a discussion of #define here a couple of years ago, but I find nothing in my snippets collection. Maybe SearchVIEW will find it for you.

and in another posting:

...These are not values that the
user would ever want to mess with... things that are currently just
constants scattered around the application, like the string for the title
bar or the number of times to try doing some low level operation before
giving up.  Stuff that will probably never change, but is easily forgotten
about and lost in the pile of vis.  Back in the days of C it was extremely
rare to find a constant in my code... all that stuff just got #defined and
moved to the tops of the files... and that is sort of what I am hoping for

This "remove all constants from your code" is one of the practices advocated by Conway and Watts in "A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW", so you are certainly not alone. They use config files. Maybe you could put the data the user might change in a standard config file and the immutable stuff in the encrypted file that Conway and Watts describe, or at least have them in different files.

Im probably to lazy to do anything about it in the app I am working on
right now... just something I am thinking about for the next time around.

John Brohan's package would let you be lazy and still get your result.

        Paul F. Sullivan


        SULLutions              (781)769-6869
        "when a single discipline is not enough"



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