Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I think that if the woman is actually guilty of stealing money or
whatever it was she did, she should serve out her term just like anyone

I understand too though that they are thinking of cutting her sentence
because of what she has already served.  And to be honest, I wouldn't
really object to that either, because she doesn't seem like she would be
that much of a threat to society.  

But as far as throwing her in jail for not cooperating with Starr, if
what she says is true, that was really wrong.  She couldn't testify
anyway, because anything that she said wouldn't make Starr happy.

Nothing like being caught between the rock and the hard place.

What was so weird about this whole deal though was that Susan got out of
jail the same day that her ex husband died.  :(

> Hi Sue,
> I'm not sure if the sentences for contempt are the same in each state.
> Probably not. But I think Susan McDougal spent 18 months in jail on the
> comtempt charge.  Her lawyers are trying to get some consideration for
> reducing her two year sentence on the fraud conviction.  I also read that
> she might face more charges in the future relating to Whitewater.  If
> Starr decides to put more heat on her he probably will be able to do so.
> I think it's a shame that McDougal died at such an young age. (57)  His
> personal physician said that in spite of his medical problems he should
> have had a life expectancy of 77 instead of 57.
> Bill

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