Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill and Sue :)

Just a slight correction here in case your not aware of it, there was
another lady that spent 18mos in jail for contempt charges it was due to
her that the law now limits the time of being held to 18mos for

I can't remember her name but you most likely will remember the case, it
was a child custody case concerning two Doctors. She claimed her
daughter was being molested by her husband who is also a doctor, the
daughter testified to this and so did other doctors testify to it. The
husband had others testify the daughter and mother were making it up and
it wasn't true, (IMHO it was especially since the little girl had
gonorrhea and so did the father). Well the judge decided to give him
unsupervised visitation, and he was to have the daughter on the
weekends, the mother decided she couldn't allow this, so her mother and
father went to Australia and they took the daughter, due to the fact the
Australian courts also looked at this and believed the little girl was
being molested they would not force her to be returned to her father.

The mother was jailed here in the US, due to contempt, refusing to tell
the judge where her daughter was. She was held indefinitely, it was in
all the papers and even made into a movie of the week. Eventually enough
people were outraged and it then hit the supreme court and it was then
decided no one can be held in jail for longer than 18 months for
contempt. The mother was eventually released, and as she said, she would
do it all over again to protect her daughter. I commend her for that.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Bill:
> Bailey didn't have Starr after his butt either.  :)
> Isn't there a statute of limitations on cases like this.  That
> Whitewater thing happened 25 or so years ago.
> Sue
> >
> > HI Sue,
> >
> > Yeah, that was an ironic bit of timing, wasn't it?  And I guess we
> > shouldn't minimize the fact that she and her husband DID commit crimes
> > and stole money from others. But I wouldn't have a problem with crediting
> > her for timed served on the contempt charge.  I've never heard of anyone
> > held that long for contempt of court.  Even Flea Bailey didn't get that
> > kind of treatment.
> >
> > Bill
> --
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> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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