[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

I have grave misgivings about the State killing women, even conniving,
grasping, selfish ones like Mrs. Buenoano.  Her actions against her
husband and son were no impulsive teenage rampage, but the deliberate
diabolical plot of a woman who coldly murdered the members of her family
for money,  Nevertheless, I believe that the use of capital punishment 
against the normally "gentler" sex brutalizes society.  

If we aren't careful, we could easily regress to the days of puiblic
hangings and drawing and quartering.

You wrote:

. . .<<<This lady had the same criteria as Tucker did, oh except for one
thing she wasn't as young or as pretty. Is that what a women needs to get
those against the death penalty to notice her?. . .>>> 

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