Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Vi first and foremost, watch your subject lines, I changed the first one
and now I see you put it back under the legalization subject. Please
post your replies under the proper subjects. 

Well it's a circle we're running in here Vi, their punishment is brutal
but so is their crime, so stopping the punishment is not going to stop
the crime. If anything it will show others they can do it and not worry
about punishment. Our laws are quite blunt, there is no hidden agenda in
them, quite simply they say if you do the crime you may pay with your
life. It's a risk they all take, and it's not something they are naive
about. I have yet to see anyone say they didn't know they could get the
DP for murder.

Just due to the fact more of one gender commits a crime does not mean
only they should receive the ultimate punishments, btw if you check
crime statistics you'll see women are catching up in leaps and bounds
with men concerning criminal activity. Question for you, more women than
men kill their offspring, so should we not give the men a lighter
punishment than the women, since this is more of a female crime? We can
not base punishment on gender, it's wrong and discriminatory.

Concerning woman in combat, it's something I thought of over the years,
I do think a women should have at the very least a choice of fighting, I
would prefer it that gender was not involved in this decision, women can
and do fight just as well as men, if not worse than men when it comes
down to the nitty gritty. Yet again as you have shown people get caught
up in stereotypes. I don't believe that females are made out of sugar
and spice and everything nice or that men are made out of snakes, and
snails and puppy dog tails.

We all make choices and we all must live with the consequences of our
choices, if we decide to murder someone we must be prepared to pay with
our own life.

Viola Provenzano wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> My point was not that the women involved in these gruesomw murders
> deserved anything better than they got, but that such acts further
> brutalize society to the point we are on the verge of killing even our
> children in lethal chambers.
> And there are far, far more men committing horrible crimes than there are
> women committing them.  Crime among males is so common that I'm not sure
> we can afford not to execute some of the worst offenders for our own
> protection.
> Women can also fight with men shoulder to shoulder in combat, but again I
> call upon my own gender bias to say I hate to see them on the front lines
> in a war.  For one thing men are much better fighters.  Most women
> realloy are the gentler sex.
> These are just one woman's opinion.
> Vi
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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