Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

Not a funny condition to have, but I am LOL at visualizing the ball in the bed.
Of course you know fantasies, the ball is a basketball or one of that size.
Better than duct tape, why not sew a piece of Velcro on Bill's back and the ball.
He could simply Velcro before retiring for the night. <g>



Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> The ball is suppose to prevent a person from sleeping on their back.  It
> is a thing that they use a lot for people who snore.
> In Bills case I think a little duct tape would solve the problem. LOL
> >
> > Hi Bill
> >
> > Maybe your wife could make you a pouch with straps or a belt to put the ball
> > in. <g>.  Of course that would depend on where the ball was suppose to
> > be--between the shoulder blades, small of the back??  And of course the size
> > of the ball.  I wonder what the ball really does for a person?  Sue, does it
> > help if the person is elevated to a degree??  I know they are researching
> > sleep apnea in Fargo at the PRACS institute--one of my students was involved
> > in the study, but he never said what they were doing.  His teachers all
> > received a notice from the counseling office to alert us to his condition.
> >
> > jackief
> --
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that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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