Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

LOL    Gossip has it that in the 60s and 70s the reason want-ads included
farm background helpful in men's want ads is that it was believed young men
from farms could fix anything using nothing but wire, tape, and rubber
bands.  Saved the company money on maintenance in the short-term.


PS--hard worker was the other reason for wanting farm kids in the Midwest.

Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Bill:
> When I was growing up I was so in awe of how my dad could fix anything
> that broke.  To me he was so smart to be able to do this.
> Then after he died, we had to get the house back into shape for sale.  I
> found duct tape, and rubber bands holding things together that no one
> would believe could be held together that way.  <BG>
> Now it amazes me that he was so inventive with the tape and rubber
> bands.  <BG>
> Sue
> >
> > HI Sue,
> >
> > You know what they say..If you can't fix it, duct it!
> >
> > Bill
> --
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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