Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

We have some 100+ year old homes here that are in better shape than some
of the newer ones.  

Of course the plumbing and wiring always has to be redone when they
sell, but the basic home, and foundation are usually in better shape
than most of the tract homes that are only a few years old. :(

Tracts of home go up around Southern California so fast that you can go
into an area one month, and a month later go back and it is a
residential area.  Everything is prefab, and it only takes a couple of
weeks to build a home from foundation to roof now.


> HI Sue,
> LOL..I know what you mean.  We have a problem in our neighborhood that is
> just starting to rear its ugly head.  It seems that many of the
> developers who built the houses around here had a penchant for taking
> short cuts that involved things like duct tape, wire and other
> non-conventional building techniques.
> I'm disappointed that we've gone away from the tried and true process
> where craftsmen become apprentices and work their way up the ladder.
> Bill

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