"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

We're in Pa until April 20-21 or so.  IRS filing deadline is 4/15 and it
takes us a few days to finish and close up.  We have 'phone mail but do not
keep the office open the rest of the year.  We head south as soon as we
can.  We are very tired after working 7 days a week for over three months
so we don't spend any more time here than is required by the business and
getting my parents set up for summer.

I like Win 95, but my computer is a 485 and I don't really want to upgrade
much anymore.  I would like to get one of the new 333Mgh, but am a little
worried about whether there are "bug's to be ironed out and, of course, the
price is high on the 333.  I think it is a lot more reasonable on the 233,
but I don't want to be outdated so quickly.  Guess in this day of
computers, even the 333 will be outdated the day after one gets it.

I can only go online before or after work and usually just have time to
delete all mail, but always read what is sent to me or is of real
importance to me.  Don't have time for anything else as yet.  :(  Miss you
all, and look forward to being able to join in once again.  :)


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released
> Date: Thursday, March 12, 1998 7:10 PM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> I still can't run 95.  :)  But I did get something in the mail today
> talking about previews.  You can find out more at
> http://www.microsoft.com/magazine/msxtreme/ or call 1-800-550-4300  they
> are having shows all over the country.  
> What state are you in right now and I can give you what they say on
> this.  It is on Saturday April 4
> Sue
> > 
> > Hello Sue,
> > 
> > Just finished work.  Want to ask if you or anyone knows much about Win
> > 
> >                                 Joan
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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