Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy

It may be basic to you, but not to me--now, writing SPSS and other stats programs
and finding ways to get the information I want is no problem (work, but usually a
success), but otherwise I can usually find glitches in programs that the
manufacturers didn't know existed <G>.

Now I don't feel so bad about not knowing the VCR.  My students sure get a bang
out of it though.  I usually just elect the "technician of the day."  I usually
also have a clock watcher of the day, and a speller of the day.  If you can't get
students involved in any other ways, this seems to work <G>


Kathy E wrote:

> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hey Jackie :) Your not Alone a LOT of people can't program their VCR's,
> Scott has never been able to do it, I always have to do it for him LOL
> yet I couldn't hook up a VCR to a tv if my life depended on it. So far
> you and Sue have asked for help in what I consider pretty basic area's
> and I don't mind helping, I figure if the situation was reversed others
> would do the same :)
> Jackie Fellows wrote:
> >
> > Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Oh Sue
> >
> > A "true sister," one I never have had.  If it says user friendly I can find
> > out where it is not without even trying.  I am not known as the "nemesis" to
> > the computer services people at all the schools I have been at for
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
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