Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

You are so very right about time flying.  Enjoy every minute you can
with those kids, even the bad times.  In a few years you will look back
and really miss them.

I keep telling Bobby and Yoko to enjoy Steven's babyhood, even if it
does mean getting up three/four times a night.  It doesn't last long,
and when it is gone, it can never be brought back.  Bobby said that he
kinda wishes sometimes that babies were like computers, you could turn
them off when you got tired, and then turn them back on when you wanted
to play with them.  Even though he is going to be 34 tomorrow, I don't
think he realized what parenthood was really like.  :)

I am positive I won't be writing any HTML, primarily because I don't
even know what it is.  I know it is a thing on the puter that can't be 
sent. :)

You are right though I am learning, very, very slowly, and only after
you explain it to me over and over for a year, but I do get it
eventually.  It is really great to know someone who knows everything,
and is so very patient about teaching me.  <BG> 

> LOL True that thought entered my mind also, wondering how many HELP
> messages I would get LOL But your learning :) :) And that is what counts
> :) :) I guess writing up some HTML is out of the question for now Huh?
> LOL Thinking of that I have to change my home page :) Yesterday was
> Ashley's b-day she turned eight, amazing how fast time flies by...

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