DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-23 21:52:51 EDT, you write:

<< This woman is unemployed, lives alone, and on welfare.  The estimated
 costs are 400 thousand dollars for the first year.  The little boy
 weighs 10 oz. :(   >>

I really wonder why the AMA (or equivalent) hasn't set some kind of guidelines
for in vitro fertilization.  I know, God gives babies to the poor and the
unemployed and even to those up in years, so why should we play holier than
God -- it's a good argument, and I'm not dismissing it.  But.......I'd still
like to see in vitro and other non-God methods of making babies reserved for
those who have some visible means of supporting the resulting children.  I
don't mean they need to be rich -- my mother wasn't rich and neither was I and
we raised our kids just fine (not easily, but well.)  But .........

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