On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 02:03, Martin Friebe <laza...@mfriebe.de> wrote:
> Not yet.
> this will at earliest be implemented, when individual folds can be
> configured. The same applies for repeat/until
> It may also have to wait fro some more/other refactoring on the folding.
> The highlighting currently depends on the detection for folding.

I thought about it too when I composed the list in the previous message,
but considered them overkill. If single-statement folds, like for
'case', 'with', 'if' etc.
will be implemented, they should be able to "merge" with begin/end folds for
their bodies, to avoid useless almost-duplicate folds.

Alexander S. Klenin
Lazarus mailing list

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