On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 22:16, Martin Friebe <laza...@mfriebe.de> wrote:
> There is a general plan/idea to add some configuration (have to see how
> much) to define what you want to have foldable and what not. It wasn't
> seen as urgent yet (at least not by me...)
> Most (if not all) of the places that allow folding now, do so in Delphi
> as well. this is part of why they have been added, to make it easier for
> (ex-) Delphi users.

Actually, at least in Delphi 2007 code folding works only down to
classes and procedures, not below. Still, I think it is a good feature.

> IMHO most of the new ones are reasonable?
> - Except maybe for: "Program" / "Unit" and "Implementation" /
> "interface"; but they don't occur very often in a normal unit.
> - Maybe discussable are "var" "Canost" "type" blocks? Think is they can
> be very useful for bigger "var" sections (but I agree they can be
> irritating with just on line in it)
> - Folding at class / private / public => IMHO should be ok?
> - Folding at "procedure" in addition to the begin => arguable, if it
> should be instead of the begin?

I'd say that such deep nesting should have very detailed configuration.
I suggest to replace current numeric setting with a grid of checkboxes
controlling code folding and divider drawing separately at logical levels:

Level | Folding | Divider
Unit/Program | Off | Off
Section (interface/implementation/...) | On | Off
Class/Object/Record Type Definition | On | On
Class Visibility Specifier (public/private/...) | Off | Off
Other Type Definition | On | Off
Uses statement | On | Off
Global var/property/const | On | On
Procedure/Function/Method implementation | On | On
Nested Procedure/Function | On | Off
Local var/const | Off | Off
Begin/end blocks | Off | Off

Additionally, maybe for begin/end blocks a separate setting to turn folding on
for blocks longer that N lines.
The settings I above are my preferences, and I hope also reasonable defaults.

Alexander S. Klenin
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