> PasCocoa is only the Cocoa bindings correct?  I see in the latest
> Lazarus (svn) that LCL-Cocoa is marked pre-alpha, so clearly it's not
> usable yet and Lazarus itself can't be compiled with LCL-Cocoa - which
> is the point I was trying to make.
If you need LCL application for Mac - use Carbon widgetset for now.
Cocoa support will be extended in future.

> Out of interest... Does Carbon and Cocoa applications look different?
> Joanna immediately said that the screenshot (link below) is a Carbon
> app, not a Cocoa app.  How does the look of the two differ?
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Image:Lazarusmac0.9.25.jpg
here're two screen shots:
Carbon application: http://imagebin.org/43293
Cocoa applicaiton: http://imagebin.org/43294

do they look much different?
well, yeah, windows color differs, because defaults settings are
different for Carbon and Cocoa libs, but still everything is easily
configurable. Generally speaking, there's no way to determine if
application is Carbon or Cocoa from it's user interface.

Infact, Carbon and Cocoa can NOT look different, because both
frameworks are using underlaying Aqua composite engine.

> Ah okay. Isn't Leopard the latest version? I thought Apple decided
> that it will now only be a 64bit OS - or is that for the upcoming Snow
> Leopard release? If they moved to 64bit only, then surely that will
> kill off the Carbon API.

Yes, Leopard is the latest (see the wiki page desribing Aqua
interface, there's version numbers and their names)
Apple announced Snow Leopard (10.6) to be released - for Intel-only
Macs. But still Carbon support will be provided as well as support for
32-bit applications.
Apple cannot kill Carbon, it's been discussed multiple times (google
for: Carbon, 64-bit and Photoshop)


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