On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 09:35:46 -0700, Ralf Quint via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>> The file I mean is:
>> lazarus-2.0.0-fpc-3.0.4-cross-i386-win32-win64.exe
>This is the cross-compiler to compile Win32 programs from a Win64 setup. 
>It is not a cross-compiler to any Linux(-x64) target...

OK, then I will have to uninstall that installation (I did it to check
what would happen)...

But then how do I get hold of a Linux cross-compiler? Can I just check
out some "binutils" for Linux from SVN?

Or do I have to create a virtual Linux machine and install SVN +
Lazarus/fpc on that and then pull the project sources over via svn and
compile natively?

I found a description over her:
But it says:
"This is less trivial, there is some info in the buildfaq

See also fpcup for descriptions on which binutils work and what
libraries/files to copy.

As the Build FAQ explains, you will need libs (.so files) from the
target system, e.g. from /lib and /user/lib (but could be more
locations). On some systems, some .so files are actually scripts;
check with

grep -i "ld script" *

Remove those .so and copy over (or symlink) the .so.x files that you
should have to .so in order for the linker to find them."

I do not really get what *actually* to do from this....

Seems ike I am heading in the wrong direction, but I absolutely was
under the impression that one could develop anywhere (Linux or
Windows) and then compile for any target in this one development
Probably faster to go the Linux virtual machine path and build
natively from sources via svn..

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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